The Halloween Scare No One Needs!

I made it! Whew!

Before you start wondering why it took me this long to post my weekly blog, there’s a whole story behind this. The short version is that I just got my desktop back home and plugged in less than an hour ago.

Now for the long version!

On Friday, I did my normal stuff. Got kids moving towards school, made my coffee, started the laundry. You know, normal stuff. Then I sauntered into my office and went to read some emails before I started my hours for Solstice.

Only my computer didn’t wake up right away.

And, when it did, it would only work in safe mode. The dreaded Blue Screen of Death, complete with an error message about a page file in a nonpage area, had laid waste to my thoughts of being productive.

Spent 3 to 4 hours trying to fix it on my own to no avail. Finally, I called our local computer guru and begged their assistance.

And then I waited. Not very patiently. All weekend. Praying that nothing was lost forever. No work related things, no works in progress, no photos of cats or kids.

Ladies and gentlemen, I was a complete and utter nervous wreck all weekend long.

To put a happy ending on this horror story (trust me, I was almost in tears out of fright!), everything was saved. The techs were able to do wonderful work and my computer is back home and operational. No Blue Screen of Death!

Now to get it back to where it looks ‘normal’ so I can find those books I was trying to finish writing.


5 thoughts on “The Halloween Scare No One Needs!

  1. Do you back up your stuff? I copy mine fairly regularly to an external hard drive and I have a Cloud. Also Norton does back-up and another method is to copy to a relative’s, or friend’s computer.

  2. It is scary thinking that all your hard work might be lost forever. Have you ever considered using a secure online storage service for your important files? I work with computers (I pay my bills with IT work) and things like this simply happen, because of Murphy’s law. Services like Google Docs and Dropbox are free, easy and very handy. I use Dropbox all the time with my writing… With their application installed on my computer I can save files to it like any other folder and have it backed up online in seconds.

    • I’ve got back up, yes. And the important stuff was saved. Still, it’s scary to imagine something wormed into my files and deleted things anyway. It’s nerve wracking, because you aren’t 100% certain until you get it back from the techs.

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